The editors have decided on a bold experiment: a democratically created portal to Philosophical Investigations (Pi). This changes nothing on Pi itself. Rather it creates a separate 'door' to Pi, which is this page. For example, one could move menus, change images, add features ... All designed to make Pi work better.Ultimately, aspects of this portal could be absorbed by Pi itself. Here's how we'll kick off:
1. Post a comment under this post, to suggest a change to the Portal. 2. The editors then turn your comment into a post with a poll (see below). 3. We wait for 10+ votes. A majority vote means that a changeis accepted.
Finer nuances (e.g. a different shade of red) will be the editors' call.
This is an example comment. And I am suggesting that we do something basic and essential: put up a banner at the top of the page which clicks through to Pi.
This is an example comment. And I am suggesting that we do something basic and essential: put up a banner at the top of the page which clicks through to Pi.